Mita ,s-a hotarat sa pescuiasca astazi, abia pe la orele 12.00 , insa desi a inceput ziua de pescuit tarziu,capturile
in numar mare,au compensat frumos timpul pierdut de dimineata...Am inteles ca ar fi vorba de 9 sau 10 bucati de stiu sigur,eu doar aceasta poza am reusit sa o fac,pe celelalte le voi posta cand le voi primi pe e-mail.
Felicitari Mita !
Toti crapii au fost eliberati !
4 comentarii:
What a great Common Carp, Looks to be in top condition too,
Well Done,
Oh yes Paddy is a big carp, indeed, the fisherman was ecstatic.
Thanks for the comment.
Awesome carp! #2 gamefish in the world and deserves more respect here in the states. Great post and really enjoy your blog.
Thanks for the comment and for congratulations to our blog, Coloradocasters.
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